full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Elizabeth Zion: The need for family reunification -- to make families whole again

Unscramble the Blue Letters

porir to my birth, my mother, who was born in a msiulm family, converted to Christianity. And she faced persecution from her family, who were all Muslims at the time, and fled Nigeria to escape religious persecution and to fight for a better life for my four siblings and I, of which I am the youngest. She tried to get aslyum in a number of countries and eventually got a lteetr of acceptance from a relatively small crnuoty known as Ireland. Ireland accpteed her application, and while her case was pending, we were given huoinsg in a small town in the West of Ireland called Clifden, in one of the country’s Direct Provision centers.

Open Cloze

_____ to my birth, my mother, who was born in a ______ family, converted to Christianity. And she faced persecution from her family, who were all Muslims at the time, and fled Nigeria to escape religious persecution and to fight for a better life for my four siblings and I, of which I am the youngest. She tried to get ______ in a number of countries and eventually got a ______ of acceptance from a relatively small _______ known as Ireland. Ireland ________ her application, and while her case was pending, we were given _______ in a small town in the West of Ireland called Clifden, in one of the country’s Direct Provision centers.


  1. muslim
  2. accepted
  3. housing
  4. prior
  5. country
  6. letter
  7. asylum

Original Text

Prior to my birth, my mother, who was born in a Muslim family, converted to Christianity. And she faced persecution from her family, who were all Muslims at the time, and fled Nigeria to escape religious persecution and to fight for a better life for my four siblings and I, of which I am the youngest. She tried to get asylum in a number of countries and eventually got a letter of acceptance from a relatively small country known as Ireland. Ireland accepted her application, and while her case was pending, we were given housing in a small town in the West of Ireland called Clifden, in one of the country’s Direct Provision centers.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
family reunification 3

Important Words

  1. acceptance
  2. accepted
  3. application
  4. asylum
  5. birth
  6. born
  7. called
  8. case
  9. centers
  10. christianity
  11. clifden
  12. converted
  13. countries
  14. country
  15. direct
  16. escape
  17. eventually
  18. faced
  19. family
  20. fight
  21. fled
  22. housing
  23. ireland
  24. letter
  25. life
  26. mother
  27. muslim
  28. muslims
  29. nigeria
  30. number
  31. pending
  32. persecution
  33. prior
  34. provision
  35. religious
  36. siblings
  37. small
  38. time
  39. town
  40. west
  41. youngest